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Homemade Bagels

Homemade Bagels

Ben has been on a bagel sandwich kick lately, so I thought “why not save money and make these bagels since I already have everything on hand?”

He makes himself a bagel sandwich for lunch every day, which is nice because since I have to be at work at 6 am (eeks!) I don’t really have time to make it for him in the morning.  I must admit, that in the past I have felt a little bad about not making his lunch.  Don’t get me wrong…I’m not the one to say “good wives always make their husband’s lunches,” but I’m also not on the ultra-feminist side that says “why should I have to make my husband’s food when I work, too!”  In fact, I would love to make his lunch every day… if only I had the stamina.

Homemade Bagels 2

Well, I can feel a little better now that I made these homemade bagels.  Although, I can’t say that I slaved over them, because they were SO easy! When I was searching for a bagel recipe, I came across a Peter Reinhart recipe on Smitten Kitchen‘s blog that looked very tempting.  But, I really didn’t have time for that TWO day recipe since it was Sunday and Ben needed his bagel for lunch on Monday.  So, I found this one on Baking Bites and I am glad I didn’t sacrifice two days.

The original recipe is for twelve smaller bagels, but I wanted large sandwich size bagels so I made eight.  Recipe below includes my own edits.  Ben loves the ‘everything bagel’ so I added seasonings to this otherwise plain bagel.  He loved it!  I’ll be making these every weekend until he gets over his bagel kick.

Homemade Bagels

Printable Recipe

1 tbsp active dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 3/4 cups water, warm (100-110F)
4-5 cups bread flour (not all purpose)
1 tbsp salt
1 egg, for egg wash

Optional Seasonings:
Poppy Seeds
Onion Powder (I used chives because I didn’t have this on hand)
Sesame Seeds
Kosher Salt

In a large bowl (or the bowl of a stand mixer) combine yeast, sugar and water. Let stand for 5 minutes, then stir in flour and salt. Mix dough thoroughly until it comes together in a large ball, pulling away from the sides of the bowl. Add an additional tablespoon of flour or water, if needed.

If kneading by hand, turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until very smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. If using a stand mixer, knead dough with the dough hook until elastic, about 8 minutes on a low speed. Place dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

When dough has risen, turn the dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and divide into 8 equal pieces (first quarters, then halves). Shape each piece into a tight ball, pinching the corners together at the bottom of the dough. When all the balls are shaped, let the dough rest for 30 minutes covered with a clean dish towel.

Once dough balls have rested, the bagel shape can be formed. Using your fingers, poke a hole through the center of each dough ball. Stretch out the dough into a ring with your fingers and be sure to make the hole a little larger than you want the finished bagel to have, as it will shrink slightly while the bagel is expanding during the baking process. Let bagels rest for about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a gentle boil and preheat the oven to 400F. (I used a deep dish skillet because it’s wider.)  Line a baking sheet with paper towels and another baking sheet with parchment paper sprinkled with cornmeal.

Working four at a time, drop the bagels carefully into the boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes on each side. Using a slotted spoon or strainer, transfer bagels to the paper towels to drain for a moment, then place on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat process with remaining bagels.

Brush boiled bagels with lightly beaten egg (a pastry brush is a good tool for this) and sprinkle with seasonings. Bake for 24 minutes, or until golden brown.  Cool completely on a wire rack (bagel will soften slightly as it cools).  Slice and toast to serve.

Adapted from Baking Bites

38 Responses

  1. These look so good! I made the two-day Peter Reinhart recipe and to be honest, yours look better than those did 😉 I can’t wait to try this recipe!!

  2. I cannot wait to try these! I love bagels…yum!

  3. Those look fantastic AND sound doable! Nice!

  4. I think I am going to try these this weekend!

  5. wow those look better than the ones in panera!

  6. Wow Nikki, these look scrumptous! Ben has good taste.

  7. Looks great! I recently conquered bagels, too!

  8. Whoa lady good job!! Bagels have always been something that I never ever thought I could do…you’ve given me hope!

  9. I have a tremendous fear of all things “yeast-y”, but I may just have to give these a try soon…these seem like a pretty easy recipe to start with. (*famous last words!) They really look great – nice job!

  10. I’ve been wanting to make homemade bagels for a while and this looks like a great recipe! Nice job!

  11. What a fantastic recipe! I’ve got a question though: why do you drop the bagels into boiling water before baking them? Is it for the bagel to keep its shape while in the oven?

    • Hi Nathalie! The boiling of the bagel makes for a firm, crispy crust while keeping the inside chewy. Something about the chemistry of starch and the boiling water making a protective outer coat for the bagel. If I was more scientific, I may be able to explain in more detail…but trust me, it’s worth the extra step. 🙂

  12. They look great. The recipe looks really easy. I think I will have to try them. The everything bagel is one of my favorites.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. These look gorgeous! I just love baking my own bread. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thank you for your answer! I’ll follow the recipe to the letter then and let you know how it turned out. As I already bake my own bread, I’m sure they’ll be great! 🙂

  15. […] fine – plenty of things to bake that wouldn’t constitute sweets, right? I had been looking at all these lovely photos and posts of beautiful, perfect, “so easy to make” bagels that I thought I would give it […]

  16. […] Homemade Bagels Ben has been on a bagel sandwich kick lately, so I thought “why not save money and make these bagels since I […] […]

  17. Those look so yummy! I love the everything bagels you buy in the store, and I’ll bet these are even better!

  18. I have always wanted to make homemade bagels but have never gotten around to it yet. These look incredible! Great job.

  19. Hello- I just made these, relatively easy and VERY good ! Mine are just not as pretty as yours.. I think I may need to spray the parchment paper prior to setting them down … VERY GOOD ! I will make them again!

  20. I made this yesterday, but switched things up a bit to make honey wheat bagels. This recipe was excellent – easy and versatile. Thanks!

  21. These look delicious!! I was at a market on Saturday and got some bagels that looked similar to these and now I just have to make some! Yours look perfect…if I can get them half as nice yours, I will have attained. 🙂

  22. […] BAGELS (Recipe Source: As seen on Pennies on a Platter, originally adapted from Baking […]

  23. Why do you have to use bread flour and not all purpose? Will it make that much of a difference?

    • Hi Rhonda,
      The bread flour adds to the chewiness texture of the bagel. For many recipes you can substitute it with AP flour, but for this bagel recipe, I wouldn’t recommend it. If you try it, let me know how you like the results! 🙂

  24. Wow, this is the only bagel recipe I’ve tried that actually worked – and they didn’t deflate! Very yummy, thanks!

  25. Uh…. Not wanting to make your husband’s lunch when you work too is “ultra-feminist”. Gee I never really thought of myself that way. Heck I’d love to stay home and cook for hubby but since I have to work, he’s on his own.

  26. How do you store them so they’re good for the week?

  27. […] BAGELS: (adapted and inspired by Pennies On A Platter) […]

  28. my husband loves cinnamon bagels. How much cinnamon would I use for this recipe?

  29. could you make a pumpkin bagel with this recipe or would I need to change it because of the consistency of the pumpkin?

  30. I just made these and they turned out PERFECT!!!! Felt like it took all day (waiting for the dough to rest, etc.), but it was so worth it. We’re about to have warm buttered bagels for dinner!

  31. Hi! I discovered your blog a month or so ago, and I love it! I’m glad all of my exploring could benefit your friend! My husband works in a ministry to college students, too, and I love having them over and cooking for them!

    Have you ever made these with instant/rapid rise yeast? Should I do something different if I use that instead of regular?


    • Hi Becky,

      Thanks for the kind words!

      To answer your quetion, if using instant yeast you should be able to just add it to the dry ingredients and not have to “proof” it first in the sugar water. Also, use a little less of the yeast, making sure to add the same amount of liquids to the recipe even though you’re not using it to proof. Here is a link that I have found helpful regarding the different types of yeast out there (which can be very confusing especially since different brands use different names). 🙂 Hope this helps! http://www.thefreshloaf.com/faqs/baking/yeast


  32. Thanks for the link, Nikki! The bagels were so great, and I’m really glad it only took a morning to make and not 2 days! I’m going to make some asiago cheese ones this weekend 🙂

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