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Thanks for visiting my blog!  My name is Nikki and I am the author, cook and photographer behind Pennies on a Platter.  After spending 7 years in the corporate world in the suburbs of Chicago, I’m now a Pastor’s wife and stay at home mom in the high desert of Southern California.  Welcome!  A little history behind me and Pennies on a Platter:

I only started cooking and baking as a newlywed in 2005. It is such a treat to cook for someone I love, and it helps that my husband, Ben, gets excited about the things I make.  With his compliments, it became fun for me! (Who doesn’t love compliments?)  🙂

Friends and family took notice of my new-found love and started asking for recipes I tried and liked.  Because my friends and family are all across the country, I decided that posting the recipes on a website would be much easier than writing them down or emailing them separately. So, in February of 2007, Pennies on a Platter was born.

Nik Ben Kiss JudahAt the time, I wanted to focus on cheaper recipes and share money saving ideas I found, which is how I came up with the title. Now, my main focus is to share recipes so that we can save money by eating meals at home. And, because we welcomed Judah, the first addition to our family, on December 3rd, 2009, I am having fun adding baby and kid friendly recipes to the blog.

Judah Slide

Being self-taught, I love using this blog to chronicle growth in my culinary and photography skills.  I’ve gone through a couple of different cameras and lenses since 2007, starting out with a small Canon point and shoot.  Currently, I shoot with a Nikon D90 typically using this macro lens and sometimes this portrait lens.  Since natural daylight isn’t always available, I occasionally use this Speedlight although I’m still figuring out how to use it!  I have a long ways to go in my photography, but looking forward to learning something new every day!

I love hearing from my readers, so please leave me a comment and let me know who you are.  If you have any questions, you can leave a comment or contact me at penniesonaplatter [at] yahoo [dot] com.

23 Responses

  1. Nikki,
    I really believe you are making something special out of Pennies on a Platter! You are quite the entrepreneur and I am proud of your love of cooking (and saving $) that enables you to be the lovely wife for my son and perfect hostess you always are–keep it up and I’m praying for continued success!

    Mom Gladd

  2. I’ll have to try your pumpkin cake with chocolate chips! But I have to tell you, I love the looks of those dipping spoons!!!

  3. I found your blog today from TasteSpotting and have been visiting all your pages. I really like your blog and it reminds me of my own journy to the culinary world. I, however, arrived from a need of wanting to eat healthier and in the process discovered that I truly enjoy cooking. I would have never imagined that I could love cooking. Keep up the great blogging and I’ll be checking in to see what you’ve cooked!

  4. Hey there, Nikki–
    Haven’t visited in forever! I forgot you had switched to wordpress–no wonder my reader wasn’t picking you up anymore! Can’t wait to catch up on what you’ve been up to. 🙂

    You were mentioned today on one of my favorite mommy art blogs–The Artful Parent. You have done so much with this blog . . . I feel like I’m friends with a celebrity. 🙂

    Miss you!


  6. Hi, we found you via the Pizzelle Ice Cream Sandwiches photo of yours that was featured in one of FoodPorn’s tweets — you take gorgeous photos, and you have great recipes, too. We’re just about to make some pumpkin ice cream with fresh sugar-pumpkin puree, but I know where we’ll be coming to decide what to do with any puree we have left over!
    –Jack, from What’s Making You Hungry Today? | foodgasms for all

  7. Nikki, i have been married for almost 12yrs and cooking, has never been easy for me! Your blog is great! I’m going to try harder in the kitchen this year, you make it sound so fun, and i know it can be if i give it a REAL try!!

  8. Nikki,
    This is wonderful!! I love all of the recipes! I cannot wait to try the Ham and Cheese Pretzel Bites. Keep up the great work!

  9. hi —

    LOVE your blog! found it several weeks ago on the nest. Great job – i look forward to following your cooking adventures..

  10. I found your blog in Tastespotting and I love it. Great blog and great pictures!

  11. What a cute picture of you on this web page! Love your recipes!

  12. Wow! Nikki I had no idea u had this awesome blog! I’m going to definitely try some of ur yummy looking recipes! : )

  13. Dear Nikki,
    I heard your name the other day between two girls I did not know. They were talking about “Pennies on a Platter” and a girl named “Nikki!” I thought, WOW! That’s our Nikki!
    I logged on to your blog today to share it with a friend from CO. Your blog has a clean, classy look! Thanks for making this everyday “have-to” look so enticing. As time goes on, I’ve become less interested in this chore, and I’ve found myself, like so many of my friends, not wanting to cook. Your photos make we want to again!

  14. Your photos are amazing! Keep up the awesome work!

  15. Hi Nikki, Welcome to Southern California. I wanted to tell you that we share a love of cooking and baking and we also share a love for a son named Judah. My son Judah is all grown up and getting married in a month. I hope that you have a lifetime of joy and pleasure from your Judah as we have had from ours.

  16. Hi Nikki! Just found your blog searching for how to make my own pumpkin puree. Look forward to reading it — I’m a student on a budget so the notion of “pennies on a platter” really appeals to me 🙂

    By the way, your son is ADORABLE.


  17. I was just surfing. I definitely want to join your site. I am 64 and you are an inspiration to me. Everything here looks so darn good. Your Baby is sooooooooo cute.

  18. I’ve seen your blog mentioned a few times but never visited until today (it was the tater tots that drew me in!). I’ll be adding it to my RSS right away!!! I’ve been married just over a year and am trying to get more into cooking. And seeing as you have a similar story to mine, I’ll be using your blog as another source of inspiration to keep trying at cooking (I’ve had some failures that have shaken my confidence.. but I’m getting better!)

  19. Hi Nikki, I love your blog! I’ve mentioned a couple of your recipes on my site (www.hungrycook.com) lately and I can’t wait to try them out! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  20. I’m a poor, jobless college student. But I’m always hungry. I love your blog.

  21. LOVE your blog! I’ve made tons of your recipes and have tons more on my “to make” list! Your pictures are absolutely stunning….I always look forward to your updates!

  22. Just stumbled upon your blog from annies-eats. Love it! Can’t wait to explore more. I, too, am a pastor’s wife!

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